In other words, this means that the system manages to locate information within thousands of files even without using the exact word UK Phone Number Database List, regardless of whether the search is done in a language other than that of the original document or even regardless of whether the document itself is a video. . As the company explains in a statement , “Nuclia's API is capable UK Phone Number Database List of connecting to any data source and automatically indexing its content, regardless of format or language. That way, companies can perform UK Phone Number Database List multilingual semantic searches across their entire unstructured data set, turning unstructured data into knowledge. Nuclia enables developers to integrate AI-powered search by normalizing unstructured data, including UK Phone Number Database List video and audio content, and extracting value through its natural language processing (NLP).”
Search by words no longer UK Phone Number Database List makes sense. The search for information has to be for meaning, reflecting the way people speak " , explains the UK Phone Number Database List co-founder and CEO of the company, Eduard Camp Rubi. The example of a biology teacher who needs to find where in his virtual Zoom class he talked UK Phone Number Database List about photosynthesis could be considered, with Nuclia it will be possible to search and find key information on that topic easily thanks to this semantic search.
In addition, Nuclei's UK Phone Number Database List algorithms have the ability to detect key information whose concepts are broken down one by one and UK Phone Number Database List which are subsequently identified in the original source so that they can be consulted easily and in just a few seconds. Regardless UK Phone Number Database List of whether these concepts appear in a Word, PDF or PowerPoint document, or if they were recorded on a video or in a video call meeting on Zoom, Google Meet, etc, thanks to Nuclia it will be possible to find them. "Accessing information today is very complex, because the data is in different formats or in different languages" , explain both Camprubí and Navarro.